Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 1: The Great Arrival

Today was the day I traveled from New Jersey to Santiago, Chile.  The first step of this process was being able to get from airport to airport.  With no experience in airports alone this was interestingly an easy process.  I arrived to the Newark airport around two hours early which gave me plenty of time to make it to the gate I was assigned to.  Once I made it to Atlanta, the flight to Chile was a nine hour flight.  A much longer flight than any trip I have experienced to California.  The long flight had surprisingly good and filling food.  Once I arrived in Chile, there was a big misunderstanding that I faced.  The temperature was shockingly colder than I had previously expected based on online weather reports.  Immediately after getting off the plane, I could see my own breath and the landscape was completely fog covered.

The first thing I noticed while taking the bus to the hotel was that the landscape was simply (I know this sounds cliche) breathtaking and amazing.  The mountains were much longer than the Appalachian Mountain chains and the various houses and buildings were colorful and gave a new and unique view in the landscape as I drove by.

The Hotel America itself was drafty, cold and much smaller than I had expected.  But it turned out that the shower water was warm, making the hotel quality to be enough for me to live for this trip.  Outside of the hotel and around Vina del Mar I soon found out that there are many stray dogs running loose, starving and possibly diseased.  Walking around the city, I received many smiling faces and positive vibes from the different Chileans who lived in the city.  I also soon found out that the food in Chile was very edible and I found myself quite full of food by the end of the day.  Overall the views from the Ocean, the positive feeling that I felt from the native people, and the colorful city gave me the impression that this will be a truly epic and fantastic experience for me that I will surely not forget.


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